Institutional Student Learning Outcomes
Student outcomes assessment is a term used to describe the measurement and documentation of what Mesa Community College (MCC) students are learning in curricular and cocurricular college experiences. Faculty members across the Maricopa Community Colleges District (MCCCD) have defined program outcomes and courses competencies. Additionally, MCC has identified four general education student learning outcomes. These outcomes are known as the “MCC’s 4 Cs” and are consistent with the Vision, Mission, and Values of both MCC and MCCCD, reflecting our commitment to Individuals and Community, Innovation, Integrity, Learning, and Service Excellence.
Faculty Resource: This video demonstrates how to upload MCC's 4Cs Outcomes and Scoring Guidelines into your courses.
The purposeful development, expression and reception of a message through oral, written or nonverbal means.
Critical Thinking
The habit of mind of analyzing issues, ideas, artifacts events and/or evidence to draw conclusions or solve problems.
Civic Engagement
Encompasses actions to promote the quality of life in a community, through both political and non-political processes.
Cultural & Global Engagement
Encompasses knowledge, skills, and attitudes students acquire through a variety of experiences that enable them to understand world cultures, analyze global systems, appreciate cultural differences, and apply this knowledge and appreciation to their lives as educated individuals and global citizens.
Refer to Scoring Guidelines for further details of each outcome and discipline specific application.