Teaching Honors Only Courses

What is an honors-only class and who can teach one?

In consultation with the honors faculty directors, any faculty can teach an honors-only class. The directors create the honors-only class schedule in coordination with department chairs. Honors classes, taught by dedicated faculty, are smaller in size, allowing for extensive classroom interaction. The goal is to provide a variety of courses that satisfy general education values and meet throughout the day. We work with our honors-only faculty to provide information on expectations, but how the class is designed is up to the faculty teaching the class.

The Honors Program can only thrive through the involvement of faculty who are dedicated to designing unique, intellectually rigorous courses and who identify with the mission of the Program. We encourage interested faculty to contact the office to discuss Honors teaching opportunities and/or to download and complete the course proposal packet.

Because Honors courses allow faculty members the opportunity to try out new pedagogical methods, or to specialize in their own areas of scholarly interest, instructors often report being invigorated as a result of teaching these courses. Classes are more engaged, have creative elements, and allow students to take more responsibility for their learning. Faculty also enjoy interacting one-on-one with highly motivated and talented students in small classes. Simply put, Honors courses can provide faculty with some of their most rewarding teaching experiences at MCC.

Examples of things that how honors faculty engage their students in their honors-only classes include:

  • Using the Phi Theta Kappa Honors (honor society) In Action theme to integrate class topics (https://www.ptk.org/benefits/honors-program/)
  • Group projects on health issues and displaying results at a student health fair
  • Service learning/volunteering
  • Research projects related to helping agencies in the community
  • Students put together a student-led panel on current topics
  • Review and analyze current legislation and its impacts on society
  • Book clubs in the class
  • Conduct experiments and correlational studies using data pertaining to course
  • Develop art exhibition using one theme
  • Students lead discussions and topics in seminar style
  • Debates on current topics