Browse the 2025 MCCCD study abroad catalog!
Programs are open to all MCCCD students and community members, 18 years of age and above!
Summer short term faculty-led programs offer MCC classes taught abroad. Discover your world by partaking in a life-changing academic experience that will have a profound effect on your personal and professional future! Programs, courses, and cultural excursions may vary from year to year.
Why Study Abroad?
Look beyond our borders to understand people and cultures around the world. Gain skills needed for future career success!

San José, Costa Rica
Embark on an unforgettable journey to the heart of Costa Rica!
Apply by: February 2, 2025

Athlone, Ireland
Spend a full month immersing yourself in the study of Irish culture and history.
Apply by: March 1, 2025

Puerto Peñasco, Mexico
Experience the Sea of Cortez, one of the best intertidal expanses in the world and Arizona's closest beach!
Apply by: March 1, 2025

Fukuoka, Japan
Expand your language and psychology horizons to the Far East! Highlights of your stay in Japan will include 4 nights with a local Japanese host family.
Apply by: February 2, 2025

Namibia (Africa)
A trek through the wilds of Africa will probably be the single most adventurous and exciting thing that you will ever do!
Apply by: March 1, 2025

England and Paris, France
Apply by: March 1, 2025
Immerse yourself for a month in all aspects of British culture with an excursion to Paris, France.

Nice, France
Experience an authentic cultural, language and food immersion experience by living with a host family!
Will not be offered in 2025

Florence, Italy
Explore art history and intercultural communication in Italy--a global center for art, fashion, food and design!
Will not be offered in 2025
Why Should Students Study Abroad?
U.S. Study Abroad Contributes to Student Success
Read "Why study abroad is essential to our future"!
In addition to an experiential academic pursuit, other benefits of study abroad include: personal growth & maturity, increased self-confidence, facing & solving challenging problems, developing a personally informed view of the world, and gaining a better understanding of one's own cultural values and respect for diversity.
Study Abroad Impacts Employability Skills!
There is now even more evidence that study abroad has a beneficial impact on employability after graduation, according to a report by the Institute of International Education (IIE), with 11 out of 15 “21st century workplace skills” gained through an experience overseas.
Gaining an Employment Edge: The Impact of Study Abroad on 21st Century Skills & Career Prospects, released at the IIE Summit on Generation Study Abroad in Washington, DC found that studying abroad has an overall positive impact on the development of a wide range of job skills, expands career possibilities, and has a long-term impact on career progression and promotion. See the full article:
Did you know that participating in a study abroad program can improve your marketability?
- See What former first lady Michelle Obama has to say about getting an edge when getting a job! Watch the video from Mrs. Obama's interview with Jareen Imam, CNN.
Did you know that studying or working abroad can make you smarter?
- Read this Time Magazine Online article for insight on current research!
Maricopa Global Leadership Retreat
Every fall semester, MCC students participate in the Maricopa Global Leadership Retreat, bringing together nearly 100 American and international students for a weekend of developing global leadership skills -- all while learning about other cultures! Application deadline: TBA
International Education Events
Stay tuned for International Education Week in November 2025!
For information in-person and virtual events throughout the 10 Maricopa Community College campuses, visit:
MCC International Education Events
International Education Week