Put your credits to use! If you have taken courses at another college or university, transfer your credits to MCC. The Maricopa County Community Colleges recognize that learning takes place in a variety of situations and circumstances. MCC awards credit for learning based on several criteria. If you have AP or CLEP exam scores, military training and experiences, or have participated in non-collegiate sponsored training programs, your learning could qualify as college credit.
Students may be awarded no more than 30 credit hours, unless required by a specific program of study. Students must be currently enrolled in a credit course at MCC to apply for assessment of their prior learning. Find more information on Prior Learning Assessment in the College Catalog.
Transfer Credit
Students who have had official transcripts sent directly to the Office of Admissions from regionally accredited institutions of higher education may be granted credit for college level courses in which a "C" (2.0 on a 4.0 scale) or higher grade has been received
Credits from foreign institutions will be reviewed for acceptance. It is the student's responsibility to have all such transcripts translated into English and evaluated by an International Student Evaluation Service before submitting them to the college. Here is a list of translation / transcript evaluation providers. MCC does not endorse nor recommend any listed provider. This information is provided for informational purposes only.