CPAT - Candidate Physical Ability Test

The job of a firefighter is one of the most physically demanding jobs in North America. It requires high levels of cardiopulmonary endurance, muscular strength and muscular endurance. The Candidate Physical Ability Test (CPAT) consists of critical physical tasks that simulate actual job duties on the fireground. See the CPAT Test Preparation Guide for training tips and exercises, and the CPAT Orientation Guide for more information.

All orientations, practice runs & CPAT tests will be held at:

City Of Mesa Public Safety Training Facility

3260 N 40th St, Mesa, AZ 85215


Registration is limited to availability - so register early!


  • $150 Registration Fee
  • $50 upon successful completion of FSC130 within 12 months or Renewal with Mesa Community College
    • Registration fee is non-refundable.


  • To register, complete the CPAT Registration Form
    • Once you have submitted, our admin will be in contact for confirmation and payment.

For More Information:

Call Deana Bright at 480-461-7137

Dates and Preparation

Spring 2025 CPAT Dates

Option 1 Option 2
Orientation Monday, January 6, 4:30 p.m. Monday, March 17, 4:30 p.m.
Practice Monday, February 3, 4:30 p.m. Monday, April 7, 4:30 p.m.
Test Monday, March 3, 4:30 p.m. Monday, May 5, 4:30 p.m.

CPAT Orientations and Time Practice Runs are optional. You are not required to attend the orientation or time practice run in order to take the CPAT test. Both are provided to help prepare you for the CPAT test and are included in the registration fee. You are not required to attend any of these events to take the official CPAT.

Expect the testing process to take about 2 hours from the time of registration to exit.
DO NOT bring friends, family, children or pets. No spectators will be allowed past the entrance gate. A telephone will be available for local calls if candidates need to make arrangements to be picked up after the test.
Arrive 20 minutes before your assigned test time. You will not be allowed to test if you arrive late.
You will be required to present a photo ID (drivers license, State ID card, school, military, or federal passport or visa) at sign-in for the orientation class, timed practice run and the official CPAT. You will not be allowed to test without proper identification.
You must wear long pants and footwear with no open heel or toe. You will not be allowed to test if you are not wearing proper clothing. Jewelry is not allowed. All other equipment (hard hat, gloves, etc) will be provided
Hydrate before you arrive. You should drink about one liter of water 1-1/2 hours before you arrive. Water will also be available on site.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Will I receive a CPAT card or certificate?
    Yes, you will receive a CPAT card upon SUCCESSFUL completion of the Candidate Physical Ability Test. This card is only valid for agencies that have a CPAT License issued by the IAFC/IAFF.

  2. How do I get my CPAT results?
    To have results forwarded to a fire department, the department must contact Deana Bright at 480-461-7137 and request the results. The requesting fire department must have a valid CPAT License for MCC to forward results. The official test results are never distributed to the individual that tested.

  3. How long is my CPAT valid?
    Usually, the CPAT is valid for 6-12 months. However, the length of validity varies by each fire department. You must contact each individual fire department to determine how long a CPAT is current for their department.