

Kaila conducted a Food Drive at MCC for the United Food Bank

Kaila recently conducted a Food Drive on MCC campus for the United Food Bank. Her final total of food collected was over 368 lbs. As she followed through with her project she learned great lessons. She said, “I found it interesting that the people who brought in the most were those who had once been in need themselves”. She also noticed that a main motive for giving was because students had a desire to help others. In addition, many others donated because they simply were asked to. Kaila concludes, “While the drive was not the success I had hoped it would be, I was still able to do some good. 368 lbs. is still more than 0 lbs. If nothing else I helped raise awareness of the needs of Arizona.” - Kaila


Kirmi served 50 hours at Feed My Starving Children

Experience: I recruited volunteers, spread more awareness, and packed meals at Feed My Starving Children.

Favorite part: The happiness that came from serving to make a difference

Personal Growth: I gained more ability to be aware and spread awareness of the issues faced by different countries in terms of Hunger, poverty, lack of education, inequality, etc. I understood the concept of helping, the art of giving.

Image Description: This image is an example of the powerful results at the end of 1 of the so many session volunteering at Feed My Starving Children. These statistics touch our hearts deeply to see how investing 2 hours of time makes such a big difference in countries across the oceans.