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Contact Us
Early College Programs
General line (480) 461-6200
Spanish line (480) 461-6106
1833 W. Southern Ave.
Community Outreach, Building GC-54B
Mesa AZ, 85202
Regular Business Hours:
Mon-Thu: 9 am – 6 pm
Fri: 10 am – 4:30 pm
Closed Sun
Summer Semester:
Mon-Thu: 8 am – 6 pm
Closed Fri, Sat and Sun
COLLEGE STARTS NOW is a summer program the first two weeks of June that prepares incoming high school students to develop a college-going mindset through self-awareness, career exploration and parent engagement.
Program Dates
June 3-13, 2024
Monday - Thursday
9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
What Does College Starts Now Feature?
Self-Awareness - Students develop skills to improve their academic performance, set goals and choose careers.
College Exploration -Students explore the college campus and services while interacting with faculty and staff.
Parent Engagement - Students will engage and learn with their parent(s) at workshops and a culmination event.
Do I Qualify?
- Open to 8th graders going into 9th grade, Fall 2024
How Do I Apply?
To apply to the program, you need to complete a College Starts Now (CSN) application packet. CSN presentations and distribution of application packets are available at the following Junior High Schools: Carson, Kino, Rhodes, and Taylor.
You will need to complete:
- The College Starts Now online application
- Personal statement (part of application above)
- Online recommendation form*
*Recommendation forms must be filled by an adult who is not related to the student such as a teacher, counselor, or athletic coach.
Application Timeline:
February - March
College Starts Now presentations and distribution of application packets at junior high/middle schools.
April 15th
Deadline to submit College Starts Now application
April 25th
All CSN applicants will be notified by mail of whether or not they have been accepted into the CSN program