ASMCC Student Senate
Student Senate Chair
Ethan Hammons ([email protected])
Meets Tuesdays at 2:30-3:30 pm
SC-11E at Southern and Dobson | Mesquite 214 at Red Mountain
Student Senate is the chief policymaking body of the Associated Students and acts as the voice of the student body.
Student Senate is responsible for writing and debating legislation outlining the opinions of the organization on issues of importance to students, implementing new ASMCC programs and initiatives, and providing campus clubs and organization with funding to support recruitment and retention.
Club Senators are elected by individual clubs to represent them in Student Senate. Senators-at-Large apply and are appointed by the Student Senate to serve as independent legislators.
If you are interested in serving in Student Senate or finding out more about ASMCC in general please call (480) 461-7278, email Luisa at [email protected], or come to the ASMCC Offices in the Kirk Student Center (Bldg. 35S.)
Student Senate is an in person meeting and participants are expected to attend in person. If you are a voting member of ASMCC Student Senate and are unable to attend in person, please contect Luisa to advise. ASMCC Student Senate meetings are open to the public. Attend online via Google Meet below.
ASMCC Student Senate
Tuesday, September 5 · 1:30 – 3:00pm
Time zone: America/Phoenix
Google Meet joining info
Video call link:
Or dial: (US) +1 574-208-6857 PIN: 799 826 985#