MCC receives a Gold Healthy Arizona Worksites Award
Published Tuesday, July 28, 2020MESA, Arizona — July 28, 2020 — Mesa Community College receives a Gold Level Healthy Arizona Worksites Award in recognition of its employee wellness efforts. To achieve this recognition, MCC was evaluated based on how it tracked and documented outcomes and behavioral changes. According to the HAWP website, “Gold level programs have demonstrated institutional support and have integrated worksite...
MCC serves as COVID-19 drive-thru testing site
Published Wednesday, July 1, 2020Notice As of July 1, 2022, MCC no longer serves as a location for COVID-19 testing. MESA, Arizona -- July 1, 2020 – Mesa Community College serves as a location for drive-thru COVID-19 testing in alignment with Governor Ducey’s enhanced COVID-19 Action Plan (6/17/20). Embry Women’s Health, a local testing provider, along with the Arizona National Guard, will operate testing stations in the...
Raising awareness of the national debt nets national award for MCC students
Published Wednesday, June 17, 2020MESA, Arizona – June 17, 2020 – The Mesa Community College Up to Us team receives top prize in the Up to Us National College Competition for its efforts in raising awareness of the national debt and America’s fiscal problems. MCC is the first community college in the eight-year history of the award to receive this recognition. The MCC student team, led by Shelby Lynch, who graduated from MCC...
Cisco Networking Academy recognizes MCC faculty expertise
Published Monday, June 15, 2020MESA, Arizona – June 15, 2020 – Three outstanding Mesa Community College Computer Information Systems (CIS) faculty, Steve Bowes, Bob Samson and J.B. Files receive recognition from the Cisco Networking Academy. Bowes and Samson are Cisco Experts (top 10 % of instructors worldwide) and Files is an Advanced Level Instructor (top 25% of instructors worldwide) based on student feedback. These...
Sarah Banner Twice Honored for Excellence in Advising
Published Wednesday, June 3, 2020MESA, Arizona – June 3, 2020 -- Sarah Banner, Mesa Community College Student Services director receives honors from NACADA, The Global Community for Academic Advisement, recognizing her interpersonal and human relationship skills, professional practices, documented success and documented advisor development of academic advising in higher education. Banner’s recognition also includes the NACADA...
MCC recognizes accomplishments of 2,645 recent graduates
Published Tuesday, June 2, 2020MESA, Arizona – June 2, 2020 -- Mesa Community College (MCC) recognizes the accomplishments of 2,645 students who collectively earned more than 4,689 degrees and certificates during the 2019-2020 academic year. A commencement ceremony is being planned for December; however, degrees and certificates earned will be mailed to graduates as soon as they are processed and verified....
Jack Kent Cooke Scholar
Published Tuesday, May 5, 2020MCC student receives prestigious national community college transfer scholarship. MESA, Arizona – May 5, 2020 – Mesa Community College student Abigaly (Abby) Atonal Rodriguez is one of 50 community college students to receive a 2020 Undergraduate Transfer Scholarship from the Jack Kent Cooke Foundation. Selected out of nearly 1,500 applicants for the highly competitive national scholarship,...
MCC & CGCC offer new AA degree emphasis in counseling and applied psychology
Published Thursday, April 30, 2020MCC offers the program completely online beginning in Fall 2020. MESA, Arizona – April 30, 2020 – Beginning with the fall 2020 semester, two East Valley colleges, Mesa Community College (MCC) and Chandler-Gilbert Community College (CGCC), will offer an Associate in Arts (AA) Degree, Emphasis in Counseling and Applied Psychological Science. This is the first of its kind AA degree emphasis in...
MCC Automotive Service Program earns highest level of national reaccreditation
Published Monday, April 6, 2020MESA, Arizona – April 7, 2020 -- The Automotive Service Program at Mesa Community College earns reaccreditation from the National Automotive Technicians Education Foundation (NATEF) and the National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence (ASE), maintaining Master Automobile Service Technology Accreditation, the highest level of program accreditation recognized by the Institute. To achieve...
MCC PTK students earn national acclaim
Published Monday, March 30, 2020MESA, Arizona – March 31, 2020 – Mesa Community College (MCC) Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society (PTK) students are receiving multiple national recognitions and scholarships as members of Omicron Beta, the MCC chapter of PTK, an international honor society for students at associate-degree awarding colleges. Abigaly (Abby) Atonal Rodriguez and Shelby Lynch are among...