Inclusive Restrooms

Mesa Community College offers inclusive restroom facilities to persons who feel most comfortable using single-user restrooms.

The restrooms are clearly labeled with “restroom” signs and provide barrier-free, single-user facilities throughout the campus.

Inclusive Restroom Locations

Inclusive Restrooms International symbolInclusive Restrooms International symbol Southern & Dobson Campus

Health and Wellness (HW 8)
Located inside south door of the southern corridor running, next to the HW 857-884 offices.

Library (LB 11)
Located on the first floor of the library, south hallway by “Community Room”, LB 145

Physical Science Building (PS 15)
Located to the right of the entrance, down the main hallway.

Theatre (TH 29)
Located through the NW side of the building next to the ramp, TH 22N corridor

Art Communication (AC 30)
Located in the middle of the AC 119S corridor

Health Improvement Center (HIC 47)
Located to the left of the check-in desk

Disability Resources & Services (Bldg. 37N)
Located behind the front counter

Testing Center (Bldg. 38)
Located in front of the staff testing counter

Enrollment Center (Bldg. 39)
Located through the west entrance door, to the right of the hallway

Performing Arts Center (PAC 57)
Located on the first floor, main entrance, to the left of the elevator

Red Mountain

Saguaro (RDM S)
Located on the first floor, main entrance, behind the terrarium and on the second floor, across from the Instructional Support Office

Palo Verde (RDM P)
Located on the 2nd floor next to the Instructional Support office (2 restrooms)

If you attend a Mesa Community College campus other than Southern/Dobson or Red Mountain and are in need of an inclusive restroom, please contact our Title IX Coordinator.