Federal Regulations

Federal regulations are laws set forth by the state and federal government. As an employee of MCCCD we are to uphold all state and federal regulations.

Failure to do so can result in an unfavorable college reputation, fines and loss of federal aid to the college/student, loss of accreditation, loss of programs, and lawsuits. The following information will assist your understanding of mandates that are current topics in the media and on college campuses.

Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act

The purpose of the 'Clery Act' is to provide the campus community with timely, accurate and complete information about crime and the safety of the campus so that they can make informed decisions to keep themselves safe.

Campus Safety Authorities (CSA's): The Clery Act requires all colleges to collect crime reports from individuals determined to, based on their official job responsibilities, have significant interaction with students and/or campus activities. CSA's are officials whose functions involved building relationships with students and/or has significant responsibility for student and campus activities. Compliance Services and the MCC Police Department manage the CSA's for Mesa Community College. The CSA list is updated each semester.

Registered Sex Offenders (RSO)

The Campus Sex Crimes Prevention Act of 2000 (CSCPA) enacted provisions which are more specifically designed to ensure that the members of campus communities have information available concerning the presence of registered sex offenders (RSO's).

Convicted sex offenders required to register under state law must also disclose their status as a sex offender to the Maricopa County Community Colleges District’s affiliated College at which the person is employed, carries a vocation or is a student. Convicted sex offenders must also notify each change of enrollment or employment status to the Maricopa County Community College District’s affiliated College.

Freedom of Expression/Speech

Community Colleges and Universities are prohibited from limiting any area on campus where free speech may be exercised, subject to reasonable time, place and manner restrictions; there are prescribed penalties for unlawfully restricting a student’s right to speak or express themselves.

Pregnant/Parenting Students

Pregnant and/or parenting students are protected against discrimination under Title IX and should not be treated differently based on their sex. This protection extends to the health of the baby and it is suggested to be mindful of parenting male students.

Transgender Students

Transgender students are protected from discrimination under Title IX and have privacy protection under FERPA. The goal is to foster a learning environment of inclusion, where all students feel safe and welcomed to learn.

Students of Faith or Sincerely Held Beliefs

MCC fosters an environment of religious inclusion where students of faith and sincerely held beliefs will be welcomed and supported. A religious accommodation in the classroom is a change in school schedule or in the way assignments are customarily completed to enable a student to participate in his/her religious practice or belief without causing undue hardship or materially altering the course.

Complying with the Drug-Free Schools and Campuses Regulation

Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act Amendments of 1989 was passed as part of the reauthorization of the Higher Education Act and requires institutions of higher education that receive federal funding to execute a drug and alcohol abuse prevention program for its campus community. In order to be in compliant with this Act, Mesa Community College provides prevention programs, alcohol-free environments and a clear code of conduct and sanctions for violations.

Minors in the College Setting

A minor student is an individual under the age of seventeen (17) years, who is participating in a "covered activity." This typically applies to college programs such as extracurricular camps and other activities sponsored by and/or held at the college. An underaged student is an individual under the age of seventeen (17) year, who is enrolled in the college or has been accepted for enrollment. FERPA rights have transferred to students once they matriculate to post-secondary.