Faculty Resources

Interactive Process

When academic accommodations are needed, they are determined for each student on an individual basis by Disability Resources & Services(DRS) staff and designed through an interactive process involving the student, the instructor and any other appropriate offices. It is the responsibility of the instructor to implement accommodations in a timely manner.

Instructors are responsible for:

  1. Implementing the determined accommodations listed in the Faculty Notification Letter (FNL) emailed to them.
  2. Updating syllabi to include the mandatory DRS Syllabus Statement.
  3. Ensuring instructional materials are accessible.
  4. Reading and understanding the applicable laws, regulations and MCCCD policies relating to students with disabilities.
  5. Referring any student to DRS who is requesting accommodations but does not present a FNL.

Accommodation Timeline

Below is a list of accommodation groups and appropriate timelines for most circumstances. If a request is submitted after the relevant deadline, DRS will make every reasonable effort to accommodate the request but cannot guarantee that such a request can be met. Accommodations can be approved and activated throughout the semester but are not retroactive.

Accommodation Group

Faculty Responsibility

Student Responsibility

Alternative Testing

  • The following accommodations may be requested:
  • Private room
  • Scribe, reader, or assistive technology
  • Alternative formats
  • Faculty will not receive a notice if the student does not submit a request for testing accommodations.
  • Submit the Testing Agreement within your DRS Connect instructor Access Portal within 5 business days of receiving notice.
  • Upload exams to your DRS Connect instructor portal 48 hours before each exam, unless an alternative submission timeline is agreed upon with DRS.
  • Students must submit test requests in DRS Connect at least 3 business days prior to assessment, to use the following accommodations:
  • Private room
  • Scribe, reader, or assistive technology
  • Alternative formats
  • Alternative Testing
  • Extended time
  • The Testing Center or DRS will calculate extended time for exams and quizzes administered through our offices.
  • Faculty should indicate to DRS how much time the non-extended class will receive to complete the assessment.
  • Faculty must extend time for exams administered through Canvas.
  • Students should confirm with their instructors that their time has been extended prior to the assessment.
  • If the time has not been extended:
  • The student should not attempt the assessment
  • The student should immediately contact the instructor and DRS to inform them of the issue.
  • Alternative Testing
  • Memory Tool
  • Faculty are responsible for submitting the memory aid and exam materials to DRS and the testing center.
  • Students must submit their memory aid to professors at least 3-5 days in advance of the test date for review and corrections.
  • Share requested items with DRS within 5 business days of notice.
  • Any additional materials added during the semester must be delivered to DRS at least 10 business days prior to use in course if conversion is needed.
  • Students should notify DRS immediately if the necessary alternative formats have not been provided or are not meeting their needs.
  • Classroom Access
  • Note Taking
  • Faculty will receive a notification email from DRS Connect asking for assistance securing a strong in-class note taker who will supply the requesting student with an accurate set of class notes.
  • DRS Connect will send reminder emails to the DRS student until a notetaker is secured or the student cancels their request. DRS should be contacted if a notetaker has not been secured within 10 business days of the initial notification email.
  • Students should reach out to DRS if a notetaker has not been secured within 10 business days of the initial notification email.
  • DRS Connect will send reminder emails to the DRS student until a notetaker is secured or the student cancels their request.
  • Classroom Access
  • Video Recording for Online Classes
  • Faculty should provide copies of recordings within 48 hours of the class meeting.
  • Materials should be delivered to the student within a reasonable amount of time prior to an exam or assessment.
  • See Accommodations Guidelines: Recording of Class Lectures for more information.
  • Students should familiarize themselves with the conditions of the Accommodations Guidelines: Recording of Class Lectures.
  • Classroom Access
  • Closed Captions
  • Faculty are asked to ensure that all assignments including film, DVD, and video presentations, have open or closed captioning.
  • The CTL may be able to assist faculty with closed captions.
  • Students should immediately notify DRS if their materials are not accessible, or are not meeting their needs.

Faculty Requirements for Print Access Disabilities

Students who register with DRS, who have a print-specific disability (Blind or Visually Impaired), are able to receive assistance for requesting and providing academic adjustments and auxiliary aids and services (accommodations). To ensure that the College provides blind and visually impaired students with equally effective communication of curricular materials (e.g. – textbooks, workbooks, code books, articles, compilations, presentations, videos and images or graphic materials, etc.), the steps listed below need to be followed:

  1. For blind students, DRS will meet with each blind student and each instructor in each course in which the student is registered well in advance of the beginning of each course to:
    1. Review and discuss the course syllabus and other available information about the format(s) in which the course will be presented;
    2. Identify all materials that will be provided to or used by students as well as written materials which will need to be converted each week of the semester; and
    3. Confirm with the student that the format will be usable by the student’s assistive technology or, if appropriate, how equally effective alternate access will be provided.
  2. The College will offer the same opportunity for a meeting to visually impaired students as is required by the College for blind students in (1) A, B, and C. If a visually impaired student accepts an offer for a meeting, DRS will similarly meet with the student and each course instructor in which the student is registered.
  3. When a blind or visually impaired student registers for a course late or transfers into a course after the course has begun, the student will promptly notify DRS. DRS will promptly meet with the student and the instructor in the course(s) for which the student registered or transferred late to address the topics described above.
  4. The College will provide timely access to converted curricular material. If circumstances such as late registration, mid-semester transfers, the medium chosen or the volume or complexity of the material will delay conversion, the College will work with the impacted students to ensure equally effective alternate access to the course materials in the interim.
  5. When the instructor is not available prior to the start of a course, the Program Director or Department Chair will be consulted on behalf of the instructor.