Phi Theta Kappa students compete internationally with Hallmark Essays. Prior to 2012, Hallmarks were done on the 4 Pillar Hallmarks. Today, students completed 2 major projects for their chapter:
Honors in Action is a research-based report to meet the needs of the community through an action-oriented service project. This is weighted heavily for the overall chapter.
Phi Theta Kappa’s Honors in Action Project is designed to engage students in informed action that fosters student success and helps fulfill its mission to provide college students opportunities to grow as scholars and leaders.
Participation in Honors in Action contributes to personal, academic, and career development and affords students opportunities to have an impact on their campuses and in their communities by addressing challenges related to their Honors Study Topic research. Students have opportunities to apply learning and practice real-world problem-solving by developing an in-depth, action-oriented project related to research of an Honors Study Topic.
Students conduct academic research directly related to the Honors Study Topic; this is what differentiates Phi Theta Kappa's honors program and Honors in Action from simply action. Honors in Action is action informed by research, which makes a lasting impact and contributes to the betterment of society.
College Project is aimed around working with administration to meet the needs on campus through an action-oriented project.
The purpose of the College Project is to establish a supportive relationship between the chapter and the college administration. Chapter officers meet with the college president and administration to determine the College Project, which can be anything that supports the college’s mission. The College Project is designed to strengthen the bond between college administration and other clubs on campus, to create a positive atmosphere.
While the Honors in Action Project engages chapters with their surrounding community, the College Project encourages chapters to look closer to home - on their college campuses - for needs and opportunities to engage and give back.