
Need Help with Math?

Math Help - Try Math Boot Camp!

We offer MCC students free help for their mathematics courses both online and at several different sites around both Red Mountain (RM) campus and Southern & Dobson (SD) campus.

While none of these resources are intended to take the place of classroom instruction or your instructor’s explanation, many students find that a second or third source of support is occasionally beneficial.

Different students often need different types of support so each of the following resources provides help in a different manner. All students (online and face-to-face) are encouraged to use any and all of the resources listed below.

Accuplacer Practice

Looking to review for the Math Accuplacer? We can help.
Start by going to

To get started - follow these detailed instructions.

Online live math chat

A Math Chat Room with audio capability and a whiteboard is available during hours posted on the website.

Math Foundations Lab

This drop-in learning center is located in the middle of the MS building, Room 113, on the Southern & Dobson campus – the main entrance is on the west side of the building. Tables and whiteboards are available for students to work individually or in small groups, getting help from tutors on specific problems as needed. This area is designed to address the needs of students taking all levels of mathematics courses. Please check the center for times of operation.

Math Foundations Center

This drop-in center is located on the Southern & Dobson campus, in building MS, room MS-100, and can be entered from the north/east corner of the building. This center was created for students who want to concentrate on the basic building blocks of arithmetic and algebra. Tutoring and other support services are provided for students taking mathematics courses up to MAT122. Please check the center for times of operation.

In Person Tutoring (SD & RM)

The Learning Enhancement Center offers free tutoring in most academic subjects and other services to support learning and teaching efforts college-wide. The LEC is located in the Elsner Library on the Southern and Dobson campus and in the lower level of the Desert Willow Building on the Red Mountain Campus.

Information about their services can be found here or by calling 480-461-7678 (SD) or 480-654-7735 (RM).

To ask a question about the Learning Enhancement Center through email, send a query (with your name and email clearly indicated) to:

Math Study area (SD & RM)

Southern and Dobson campus: Located in the center of the MC building, this area is designed for students who wish to work individually or in small groups. While no tutors are employed for this area, math faculty offices surround the area so your instructor or another helpful individual should be close by. Individuals have found that being surrounded by others working on math actually helps them concentrate as well. This area is available during all hours that the MC building is open.

Red Mountain campus: Located outside the faculty offices in the Palo Verde building (2nd floor), this study area serves the same purpose as the area described above. While it is not strictly for mathematics students, it is a great place to work alone or form a small group.

Counseling Services (SD)

Sonia Esposito - Counseling Faculty Specializing in study skill improvement, test preparation and math success. Free assistance available by appointment

Contact the MCC Counseling Department at (480)461-7588 to schedule your appointment We look forward to working with you!