Dr. Dave Yount
Program Director
Office: BP 43A
Email: [email protected]
Socrates died in 399 BCE, but living an examined life is just as important as it ever was. We are still confronted with fundamental questions that demand answers: what is the nature of existence, how should we live our lives, how can we know the truth? Philosophy is the academic discipline that explores the foundational questions upon which all other inquiries depend, and provides a foundation for all human investigation.
In the Philosophy program at MCC you’ll study the greatest thinkers in human history. You’ll explore the foundational questions of human inquiry in Metaphysics, Epistemology, Ethics, and Aesthetics. You’ll explore the history of ideas and discover how they shaped the world we live in today. You’ll also investigate Logic, the methodology of Philosophy, and explore the definition, nature and limits of human reason. In Philosophy you’ll learn to question all assumptions and to think objectively in the pursuit of truth. Philosophy provides an excellent foundation for your studies in the Humanities and Social Sciences, and students of Philosophy consistently score more highly on the entrance exams for law school than any other undergraduate major.
Philosophy Links
- Philosophy humor
- Philosophy games
- Monty Python's song about philosophy
- Graphic novels about philosophers