From Mesa Community Court to Mesa Community College

Logo with the words Mesa Community College: A Maricopa Community College

Mesa Community Court and Mesa Community College are collaborating to foster greater independence and stability for court participants. MCC provides personalized support to help students earn college degrees and certificates.

About Mesa Community Court

Mesa Community Court is a problem-solving, therapeutic court that seeks to stop the cycle of homelessness, addiction, and arrest, and to allow participants to achieve autonomy. Unlike conventional courts, our approach recognizes low-level offenses are often manifestations of broader social inequities. By acknowledging the interconnectedness of homelessness, substance use disorders, unmet physical and mental health needs, and unemployment, Community Court seeks to end justice system involvement by addressing an individual's underlying circumstances.

Mesa Community Court encourages participants to find employment and to also explore education opportunities to support their long-term career goals.

About Mesa Community College

Our college will commit and deliver the following services and resources to all Mesa Community Court referrals:

  • A clear, committed department and staff, including contact information accessible to all members of the Mesa Community Court team.
  • Access to student services and resources including but not limited to: Financial Aid, Scholarships, Care Team, Enrollment, Disability, Veteran, Counseling, Career, other resources specific to special populations (e.g., American Indian Institute), as needed.
  • Assistance deciding on an academic pathway by way of CCLs, Certificate, Program of Study or Associate and Baccalaureate Degrees.
  • Enrollment into a First Year Experience (FYE) Course. FYE is a course designed to help students learn how to succeed. Students explore their Field of Interest (FOI), confirm their program or degree pathway, understand the financial considerations for their career, and meet with the advising team.
  • Information and access to MCC's Mesa Market to meet unmet personal needs (i.e., food, clothing, hygiene products, etc.).
  • Exposure to eligible retention and intervention systems (e.g., TRIO) that usher them from start to completion in their chosen academic field.
  • Necessary training and access to in-person and virtual services including access to technology and technical support when needed.
  • Support with the development of a resume, interviewing skills, internship and employment positions on and off campus.

The Maricopa County Community College District and MCC must adhere to all Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) policies and procedures related to the privacy of educational information and records to outside parties and the public.

Get Started

Mesa Community Court participants can request more information about our programs and meet with a member of our team.

Student Interest Form

Questions About Court

Please contact Mesa Municipal Court with any questions about your case(s) or the Community Court process.

Mesa Municipal Court
Phone: 480-644-2255
Email: [email protected]