The MCC Libraries provide device checkouts to currently enrolled MCC students. They are available on a first-come, first-served basis. Students should visit the library in person with their Student ID or their MEID and official ID to check out a device. All devices must be returned to the service desk from where they were originally checked out.
Wifi Hotspots
- Loan Periods: 4 weeks and semester-long
- Renewals allowed: Yes, one
- Fine rates: $80 replacement cost
- Short term loans: There are a limited number of hotspots available for 4-hour checkout without renewal. Hotspots due after closing can be returned the following day without penality.
*Please note, the Library has a limited number of hotspots and cannot guarantee availability.
Graphing Calculators:
- Loan Periods: Semester-long
- Available models: TI-83 graphing calculators, TI-84 graphing calculators, TI scientific calculators
- Renewals allowed: Yes, one
- Fine rates: Cost of the device depends on the model
- Short term loans: There are a limited number of calculators available for 4-hour checkout without renewal. Calculators due after closing can be returned the following day without penality.
*Please note, the Library has a limited number of calculators and cannot guarantee availability. The MCC Math Department provides information about free online calculators on this page under Helpful Links.
- Loan Periods: Semester-long
- Renewals allowed: No
- Fine rates: Cost of the device per College Technology Services policy
*Please note, the Library has a limited number of MacBooks and cannot guarantee availability.
iBelong iPads
- Please visit the College Technology Services' iBelong website for information on iPad semester-long checkouts or contact the Help Center.
- Check-out USB-C to HDMI cords at the Library Reference desk to screencast your iBelong iPad to monitors in select ThunderDibs Study Rooms.
The following library service desks provide device checkouts during hours of operation.
- RM Library: Service Desk, Second floor
- S&D Library: Service Desk, First floor
Guidelines & Reminders
- The device is your responsibility while it is checked out to you. Never leave it unattended.
- Hotspot networks are freely and easily accessible and are unsecure. Neither the Service Provider nor Mesa Community College cannot be held responsible for any files, data, confidential or personal information that is accessed, transmitted, lost or damaged as a result of using the hotspot.