On-Site Recruitment

Industry - How Can We Help? Ask a Question.

Employers - Looking for trained talent?

Find your next employee at MCC. We offer Internships or For-Hire market ready employees. At AzAMI we work with Industry finding solutions and creating opportunities.

Our industry partnerships offer hands-on learning opportunities for students through a variety of on-the-job training experiences through internships, job shadowing, mentoring, apprenticeships and career planning resources to recruit and educate the next generation of manufacturers.

Our Institute Trained Employees are Industry Ready. Skills & Abilities can include:

  • Electrical/Mechanical Drafters
  • Manufacturing Technicians
  • Mechatronics Technicians
  • Welding Technicians
  • Additive Manufacturing Processors
  • Automotion & Robotic Technicians
  • CNC Machinists
  • Electrical Technicians