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We found 2 classes for your selected search criteria

CIS262AD C# Level II 3 Credits

Advanced C# programming with emphasis on data structures, dynamic memory allocation, object-oriented programming, user interfaces, and database processing. Overview of web applications, network programming, and reporting tools.

Prerequisites: A grade of C or better in CIS162AD, or permission of Instructor.

Class Location Delivery Dates Days Times Instructor Availability

Online Course

Online (On Your Time)
01/27/2025 – 05/09/2025

Spring Flex Start

Jeffrey Ronay


Notes: This is an Online class that does not meet at specific class times. Students are required to have access to a computer or mobile device, and Internet access, unless otherwise specified. Before enrolling in their first online class at MCC, students need to view the online orientation and complete the readiness survey on for additional information.

Students must have access to a computer running Microsoft Windows (so that they can use Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2022).

Class 27555 Students may contact instructor at: [email protected]

Class Fee: $10.00


Online Course

Online (On Your Time)
01/27/2025 – 05/09/2025

Spring Flex Start

Jeffrey Ronay

Class Started

Notes: This is an Online class that does not meet at specific class times. Students are required to have access to a computer or mobile device, and Internet access, unless otherwise specified. Before enrolling in their first online class at MCC, students need to view the online orientation and complete the readiness survey on for additional information.

Additionally: Students need to have access to Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2022, which runs on Microsoft Windows ONLY

Students may contact instructor at: [email protected]

Class Fee: $10.00