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CIS120DC Introduction to Adobe Animate 3 Credits

Focuses on entry-level skill expectations for digital animation using Adobe Animate. Covers basic animation techniques used in the creation, manipulation, and editing of animation graphics. Prepares students for the Adobe certifications related to Adobe Animate.

Prerequisites: None.

Course Notes: Students in this class will be provided an Adobe Creative Cloud account tied to their MEID username, for home use on PC or Mac computers (smartphone or tablet mobile devices are not supported) during the duration of this course. Students should review the minimum configuration requirements to run Adobe CC on their personal device at: Your instructor will provide login directions on the first day of class.

Class Location Delivery Dates Days Times Instructor Availability

Online Course

Online (On Your Time)
01/13/2025 – 05/09/2025


Douglas Neuckranz, M.Ed.

Class Started

Notes: This is an Online class that does not meet at specific class times. Students are required to have access to a computer or mobile device, and Internet access, unless otherwise specified. Before enrolling in their first online class at MCC, students need to view the online orientation and complete the readiness survey on for additional information.

Class 26184 Students may contact instructor at: [email protected]

Class Fee: $10.00