ACEE Sparks Financial Fire: Statewide Personal Finance and Economics Challenges Triumph
Published Thursday, April 25, 2024WTAJ News mentions the Arizona Personal Finance Challenge and Economics Challenge at MCC Red Mountain where junior high and high school students participated in regional competitions. Please note: This article appeared in multiple media outlets. ACEE Sparks Financial Fire Statewide Personal Finance and Economics Challenges Triumph.pdf
CSUF Invites Students From Mesa Community College to Campus
Published Wednesday, April 24, 2024CSUF News reports Cal State Fullerton's Extension and International Programs hosted MCC students during a visit to campus. CSUF Invites Students From Mesa Community College to Campus _ CSUF News.pdf
Residence VIII: A showcase of artists from New Harmony Clay Project featured at USI NHGCA
Published Monday, April 22, 2024The University of Southern Indiana announces the group exhibition, Residences VIII. The exhibit features ceramic works by former MCC faculty, Tom Belden. Residence VIII_ A showcase of artists from New Harmony Clay Project featured at USI NHGCA - University of Southern Indiana.pdf
National Humanities Center renews partnership with Lincoln Center for responsible AI research
Published Monday, April 22, 2024ASU News reports on a partnership between ASU's Lincoln Center for Applied Ethics and MCC to develop AI curricula. Dave Yount, Ph.D., professor of Philosophy & Religious Studies at MCC, and Paulette Stevenson, Ph.D., English faculty and director of writing programs at MCC are involved in the project. National Humanities Center renews partnership with Lincoln Center for responsible AI research _ ASU News.pdf
MCC hosts “The Future of Fashion” on April 25; parade in a shopping center on April 20
Published Monday, April 22, 2024Ebulletin highlights "The Future of Fashion" and Kimberly Broxham, director of MCC's professional fashion design program.. MCC hosts “The Future of Fashion” on April 25; parade in a shopping center on April 20 - ExBulletin.pdf
Los 11 magníficos… mexicanos
Published Monday, April 22, 2024El Financiero mentions two MCC students, Edgar Salinas Flores, and Carola Gómez Montejo, in a report on the Community College Initiative Mexico 2024. Los 11 magníficos… mexicanos – El Financiero.pdf
FACT SHEET: 2023 U.S.-Mexico High-Level Economic Dialogue
Published Monday, April 22, 2024The Office of the United States Trade Representative Fact Sheet mentions MCC's Automated Industrial Technology program in a report about twelve students from Mexico selected to participate in the Community College Initiative. FACT SHEET_ 2023 U.S.-Mexico High-Level Economic Dialogue _ United States Trade Representative.pdf
MCC hosts 'The Future of Fashion' April 25; mall runway show April 20
Published Saturday, April 20, 2024Queen Creek Sun-Times mentions MCC Fashion Design Program Director Kimberly Broxham and "The Future of Fashion" show. MCC hosts 'The Future of Fashion' April 25; mall runway show April 20 - QueenCreekSunTimes.com_.pdf
Human rights activist John Bul Dau speaks at Mesa Community College
Published Saturday, April 20, 2024The Mesa Legend mentions the Psychology Department and faculty member Mia Palmer regarding the evening lecture series with human rights activist John Bul Dau. Human rights activist John Bul Dau speaks at Mesa Community College – Mesa Legend_compressed.pdf
Published Thursday, April 18, 2024The Sanders County Ledger announces MCC former student, Robert O. Cutlip, is a candidate for the Sanders County School Board. SANDERS COUNTY SCHOOL BOARD CANDIDATES - Sanders County Ledger.pdf