Free app locates food, shelter and healthcare resources

RISE app logoMesa Community College students conceptualized the development of RISE, an iOS app connecting people with sources for nominally priced food, shelter and healthcare. Conceived as a class project, the resource locator is now available in the Apple App Store. 

The Resource Information Services for Everyone (RISE) app may be used by all Maricopa County Community College District students, plus other community college systems and higher education institutions. Ideally RISE will help students at MCC and others in the Maricopa County Community College District more easily connect with basic needs resources, affording more opportunities to focus energy on education verses where to find food, shelter and healthcare. 

Studies such as those done by the Wisconsin HOPE Lab indicate more than a quarter of college students struggle with food security. The statistics are mirrored at MCC. RISE helps students privately identify resources to help meet basic needs. 

A RISE kiosk is available in the library corridor of the MCC Southern and Dobson Campus for easy access by students and others who may not have access to an iOS mobile device.