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TEC236 Portfolio Development 1 Credits

This course is designed to assist students in the preparation and presentation of an original professional portfolio. Students will design, produce, and present artistic sketches and illustrations of fashion figures wearing designs, flats for garment designs, and fabric swatches/samples selected for designs. Including but not limited to using computer-assisted design software, presentation boards, and other required components in the field of portfolio development.

Prerequisites: A grade of C or better in TEC134 and permission of Department or Division. TEC221 is recommended.

Course Notes: TEC236 may be repeated for a total of three (3) credits.

Class Location Delivery Dates Days Times Instructor Availability
Dobson Campus

Online Course

Independent Study
01/13/2025 – 05/09/2025


Kimberly L. Broxham

Class Started

Notes: This is an Online class that does not meet at specific class times. Students are required to have access to a computer or mobile device, and Internet access, unless otherwise specified. Before enrolling in their first online class at MCC, students need to view the online orientation and complete the readiness survey on for additional information.

Class 27575 Students may contact instructor at: [email protected]