'My Favorite Year' Launches in Remodeled MCC Theatre
Published Wednesday, October 10, 2012Mesa Community College's Act I Musical Productions presents "My Favorite Year," opening Oct. 18 in the newly renovated MCC Theatre. 'My Favorite Year' launches in remodeled Mesa Community College theater.pdf
Surviving Adversity: A Life Left Behind (Thuy Wong)
Published Monday, October 8, 2012Thuy Wong is living proof that, with love and support from people who care about and believe in you, it is possible to overcome even the worst kinds of adversity.In the early 1970s, Wong was a little girl living in Vietnam. The youngest of 10 children, Wong endured extreme poverty and tragedy. Surviving Adversity_ A Life Left Behind _ Wrangler News.pdf
Home Events, Finds, Tips
Published Friday, October 5, 2012Ron Dinchak, a life-science instructor at Mesa Community College, will talk about creating a sustainable, healthy backyard ecosystem to promote birding and enjoy nature. 10_5 - Home events, finds and tips.pdf
Maricopa Now, MCC Student Creates Jingle Dress
Published Friday, October 5, 2012MCC student earns a scholarship with her creation of a Native American Jingle Dress. Begins at minute 9:05.
Mesa Resident Receives Citizen Bravery Award
Published Tuesday, October 2, 2012Caitlin McGrath, a Mesa resident and MCC student, was presented the Citizen Bravery Award Monday, Oct. 1 during the Mesa City Council meeting. Mesa resident receives Citizen of Bravery Award - CBS 5 - KPHO.pdf
Body Parts Found Near Canal in West Valley
Published Tuesday, October 2, 2012Annalisa Alvrus, Ph.D., a forensic anthropology professor at Mesa Community College, talks to ABC15 about determining cause of death. MCSO_ Body parts found near Tonopah canal in West Valley.pdf
Glitch Let Maricopa College Students Change Grades
Published Tuesday, October 2, 2012A software glitch during maintenance allowed students who take online classes at nine Maricopa Community Colleges to change their grades during a two-hour period a few weeks ago. Glitch let Maricopa college students change grades.pdf
Mesa College Student Government Hosts 3-Night Legislature, Congressional Candidate Forum
Published Saturday, September 29, 2012In an effort to help students — potential young voters — learn more about candidates’ positions on education, Andrew Kuhn and MCC's Associated Students are hosting a candidate forum spanning three nights this week (Oct. 1-3) at the East Valley Institute for Technology. At the event, candidates running to represent the region served by Mesa Community College will answer questions on higher education posed by students and local residents. Mesa college student government hosts 3-night legislature...
EVB Live Coverage of Veteranpalooza
Published Friday, September 28, 2012A partnership between the VA and MCC puts on Veteranpalooza, an event dedicated to returning veterans.
Obama Administration Announces $500 Million in Community College Grants to Expand Job Training
Published Thursday, September 27, 2012Secretary of Labor Hilda L. Solis today announced $500 million in grants to community colleges and universities around the country for the development and expansion of innovative training programs. ETA News Release_ Obama administration announces $500 million in community college grants to expand job training through local employer partnerships [09_19_2012].pdf