Media Coverage

MCC to host state-wide education conference Feb. 3

Published Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Ashley Armour, Ed.D., program analyst for the MCC Foundations for Student Success program and NOSS president-elect, is quoted in this Queen Creek Sun Times article on MCC hosting a state-wide education conference. MCC to host state-wide education conference Feb. 3 - QueenCreekSunTimes.com_.pdf

MCC to host state-wide education conference Feb. 3

Published Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Queen Creek Sun Times covers news of MCC hosting a statewide education conference on Feb 3. 2023 Arizona Chapter of the National Organization for Student Success (NOSS) Conference is being hosted Friday, Feb. 3 at the Mesa Community College (MCC) Southern and Dobson Campus. MCC to host state-wide education conference Feb. 3 - QueenCreekSunTimes.com_.pdf

Mesa Community College faculty receive award

Published Monday, January 30, 2023

The Mesa Independent features MCC faculty receiving the 2022 Developmental Education Endowed Teaching Award. The 2022 Developmental Education Endowed Teaching Award honorees are Craig Jacobsen, Ph.D.; Michael Callaway, Ph.D.; Leanna Hall, Ph.D.; Annah McMahon, and Amelia Rodriguez. Mesa Community College faculty receive award _ The Daily Independent at YourValley.net_.pdf

Mesa Community College Celebrates 25th Anniversary of Rose Garden: Partnership with Rose Society, Volunteers Grow

Published Monday, January 30, 2023

The 25th anniversary of The Rose Garden, and MCC's long standing partnership with the East Valley Rose Society, is highlighted by Horticulture News. Mesa Community College Celebrates 25th Anniversary of Rose Garden_ Partnership with Rose Society, Volunteers Grow – Horticulture News.pdf

Mesa Community College hosts state-wide education conference

Published Monday, January 30, 2023

Ashley Armour, Ed.D., foundations for student success program analyst, is quoted in this Daily Independent article about MCC hosting a statewide National Organization for Student Success conference. Mesa Community College hosts state-wide education conference _ The Daily Independent at YourValley.net_.pdf

Mesa Community College celebrates 25th anniversary of Rose Garden

Published Friday, January 27, 2023

Mesa Independent covered the celebration of the 25th anniversary of MCC Rose Garden. Mesa Community College celebrates 25th anniversary of Rose Garden _ The Daily Independent at YourValley.net_.pdf

MCC Faculty Receive Award, Build Resources to Teach Integrated Reading and Writing

Published Saturday, January 21, 2023

Federal News Service shares MCC news of 2022 Developmental Education Endowed Teaching Award recipients: Craig Jacobsen, Leanna Hall, Amelia Rodriguez and Mike Callaway Note: No link is available. Critical Mention.pdf

MCC celebrates Rose Garden 25th Anniversary

Published Thursday, January 12, 2023

Arizona Education News features the 25th anniversary celebration of the Rose Garden at MCC. MCC celebrates Rose Garden 25th Anniversary - AZEdNews.pdf

Sounds from The Audio Bakery

Published Monday, January 9, 2023

Former student Benjamin Kelley is featured in the Fillmore County Journal for opening The Audio Bakery, an audiobook production facility. Sounds from The Audio Bakery.pdf

Valley hikers, bikers can see strange creatures while exploring the desert

Published Saturday, January 7, 2023

A book co-authored by Dr. Andew Holycross, MCC Life Sciences faculty,is featured in thisNortheast Valley News article. The title of the book is A Field Guide to Amphibians and Reptiles in Arizona. Valley hikers, bikers can see strange creatures while exploring the desert - Northeast Valley News.pdf
