Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)

The following academic tips should assist you in working with students who have a traumatic brain injury (TBI) in post-secondary education.

Academic Tips

  • Provide a hard copy of your course syllabus on the first day of class

  • Provide copies of instructor notes or PowerPoint presentations

  • Make your expectations clear. Say, "I expect you to..."

  • Give directions one step at a time and provide them in writing

  • Give written reminders of assignments and test dates

  • Give examples to go with new ideas and concepts

  • Inform student in advance of any changes, give details

  • Give many opportunities to practice and demonstrate skill mastery

  • Understand the student's level of fatigue

  • Reduce visual and auditory distractions

  • Recommend a reduced course load

  • Recommend online courses, incompletes or hybrid classes when absences are excessive

  • Be firm and clear with absence policy and give frequent reminders

  • Suggest dropping a class or two if academic load is too heavy

  • Suggest recording meetings outside of class to improve memory retention

  • Preferential seating can make these students more comfortable

  • Be tolerant of frequent visits, questions, and concerns