In-Class Accommodations

Test/Quiz Accommodations

Students who qualify for test or quiz accommodations will have a completed and signed Instructor Notification Form available for instructor signature.  By signing this form, you are acknowledging your notification of the students accommodations.

 It is the responsibility of the student to complete the Testing Accommodation Request Form at the DRS Department if accommodations other than extended time is needed.

In-Class Note Takers

Students who qualify for In-Class Note Taking will have a completed Note Taker Request Form with them.  Faculty may need to assist the student with locating a volunteer note taker by making an announcement to the class.  A sample announcement is provided on the Note Taker Request Form and is show below.


A student in this class is in need of a note taker. If you feel that you take clear, concise notes and are willing to copy your notes for this student, please see me after class. Copies can be made with the department copy machine immediately after class. A letter of recommendation suitable for your resume and/or a stipend of $25.00 per credit hour is offered to the note taker at the end of the semester.

Please be mindful of the students' privacy when making an announcement to the class.  The student with a disability should not be identified.

Digital Recording

Students who qualify for Digital Recording of Lectures will have a completed and signed Instructor Notification Form available for instructor signature.  By signing this form, you are acknowledging your notification of the students accommodations.  Digital Recording devices are considered auxiliary aids and are supported under the ADA (see below).  In an effort to protect the integrity of your instructional materials we have the student sign a Digital Recording Agreement which can be made available to you upon request.

Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act states:

A public entity shall furnish appropriate auxiliary aids and services where necessary to afford an individual with a disability an equal opportunity to participate in, and enjoy the benefits of, a service, program, or activity conducted by a public entity.

It is, therefore, the school's responsibility to provide these auxiliary aids and services in a timely manner to ensure effective participation by students with disabilities. If students are being evaluated to determine their eligibility under Section 504 or the ADA, the recipient must provide auxiliary aids in the interim.

Alternative Format Services

Students who qualify for Alternative Format Services have print disabilities such as blind/visually impaired, reading disabled, or a physical disability preventing them from accessing the text book manually.   You may or may not be contacted by our office depending upon the nature of the format needed.

It is the responsibility of the student to register early and to provide Disability Resources & Services their class schedule and, if possible, a course syllabus from the instructor.  You can assist in this process by having your text books chosen and syllabus ready a couple of months prior to the start of the class.

Students must purchase the textbook(s) and provide a copy of the "paid" receipt to DRS.  Alternative format may include Braille, large print, PDF's, and other forms of electronic text or paper-based formats.  Requests for Braille must be made at least 3 months in advance of the first day of class.  Large print, PDF's, and other forms of electronic text or paper-based formats require at least 1 month in advance of the first day of class.

Interpreting Services

Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services at Mesa Community College offers a variety of services designed to meet the academic needs of deaf and hard of hearing students.  We provide sign language interpreting or Computer Assisted Real-time Translation (CART) services for qualified students. 

Students who qualify for Interpreting Services will have a completed and signed Instructor Notification Form available for instructor signature.  By signing this form, you are acknowledging your notification of the students accommodations. 

Students using sign language interpreters will arrive in your classroom with two additional service professionals.  They will request to be seated up front as close to you as possible without being intrusive or distracting. 

Students using CART (speech to text) services will arrive in your classroom with a laptop and wireless microphone.  CART services is provided to the student remotely and the instructor must wear a microphone in order for the remote captioner to provide speech to text service.  Although the student may prefer to sit up front, their location in the classroom is not as important.

Classroom Aides

Students who qualify for a classroom aide will have a completed and signed Instructor Notification Form available for instructor signature.  By signing this form, you are acknowledging your notification of the students accommodations. 

This accommodation is most commonly authorized to students with physical limitations who need assistance accessing academic materials in environments such as laboratories.